Pooja's Story

Pooja  Murgai Taneja was born and raised in Mumbai, India. From a young age, she was always attracted to colors and could often be found coloring or painting. Her talent was recognized early on when she won interschool art competitions and was encouraged by her family to create. As a teenager, she loved visiting different parts of India and collecting local arts and crafts. After her marriage, she moved to Dubai, UAE where she learned about Middle Eastern culture. Her unconditional love for art extends to all forms, including poetry, pottery, dance, and baking. She became spiritually connected and learned to heal with the help of Reiki, which helped her connect with her higher self. She has explored the world and visited museums where she would catch herself deeply seduced by various forms of art. Currently, she lives in a suburb of Houston, Texas in the United States. The move made her realize her true calling of being an artist when she visualized herself in front of an easel, painting a beautiful and powerful portrait of a woman. When she heard the same from her husband, she took a leap of faith and dived deep into becoming an artist by enrolling herself in an intensive Mastery Program , where she learned how to create pieces that express her beliefs. Pooja spends a lot of her time painting while creating beautiful memories with her two handsome boys and supportive husband.

Pooja believes that at a deeper level, we all desire to express and experience unconditional love. She is spiritually connected to her painting and feels an emotional bond with the subjects she chooses to paint. She desires to bring beauty and radiance into the viewer’s space. She wants to encourage everyone to embrace their desires and create magic. Pooja says, “My artwork evokes an emotion of love and beauty.”

Pooja’s studio is filled with materials she has collected from her travels to various parts of the world, and she creates abundantly throughout the year. Currently, she is working on a series of women with animals where she wants to portray the inner strength of women. In the future, Pooja wishes to create artwork that connects on a soul level with her buyers.


I incorporate different mediums, where I create each layer and express my passion for art. Involving my children at the start of the painting is a ritual I follow, as I believe it brings joy and positivity to my process and the studio. Starting a new painting brings in a sense of passion and spirituality, and I create my source through the visions I have. I lose myself in the process as it takes me to a level where I connect with my higher self and create inspiring artwork.

Artist Statement

I believe that at a core level, we all want to express and feel unconditional love. When I create, I feel a deep emotional bond with the subject I’m painting. Throughout my creative process, there is a sense of passion and spiritual connection. My desire is for this to translate from my work into beauty and radiance within the viewer’s space, as well as connect with them at a higher level and bring in the experience of love and peace. I hope that both through my artwork and leading by example, I am able to encourage people to follow their dreams and spread love.